Wednesday, July 20, 2011

At the rooftop parking lot

It was an afternoon of random and spontaneous curiosity that led us to a shopping mall's deserted parking lot. The only natural thing to do was take photos of that grand day of discovery. The parking lot stood there, very still and idle, while the ground below was a busy scene. It was indeed a memorable afternoon.




"Were you somehow cut in half?"

Weapon of choice is a Holga 120FN and a roll of expired Shanghai Black and White 120mm iso 100. Negatives were scanned using regular flatbed scanner. Images are NOT to be printed or used without my consent. Like a boss.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

A tad too early

...but what the heck. A little snowman globe (sort of) that I did for a fellow artist last Christmas (I kid. I made this last February, only then did I send it to her. Jane the procrastinator, hah!). I took my sister's hair serum plastic cover and upcycled it for the "globe" of the snowman. Did it work somewhow? What do you guys think? I still am in the process of collecting more of these plastic globe covers for future projects and probably something saleable for bazaars.

Using polymer clay, I sculpted the snowman by hand, at the same time using a thin gauge of copper wire for its arms. The scarf would be made of yarn, a snippet of cotton lace for the base and the snow was something I bought from the craft store. I'm not really sure what it is exactly. It's not the typical squishy polystyrene balls I see on shops, they were rather hard and smooth in texture.

Taken by my friend upon recieving it. Checkout her page, I can't get enough of her superb stuff!

Images are NOT to be printed or used without my consent. 

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Humpty Dumpty: Meet Billie

Folks, say hello to Billie, the first Humpty Dumpty I did way back.

It never occured to me why I put Jean instead of Yoko on his tattoo.

He may look like your regular redneck Humpty Dumpty but Billie has an affinity to John Grisham novels, enjoys Vivaldi's Four Seasons (La Primavera most specially), and secretly wants to be the Walter Cronkite in their village if not for his heavy accent. Nevertheless, he still tries his best to practice speaking the formal english language in his every waking hour inside a television set with its tubes taken out.

Billie is now currently residing in one of my boxes on our makeshift garage. I wonder if he still remembers me.

Images are NOT to be printed or used without my consent.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Sprocket Panoramic - Baseball Field

Weapon of choice is my sidekick Holga 120FN (35mm film modified) and a roll of expired Fuji Pro 400H, cross-processed. Images are NOT to be printed or used without my consent. Like a boss.

Carousels I

I remembered the time when my parents took us to a town circus to see jugglers and clowns on this big canvas tent with green stripes on it. Lights where flickering everywhere, shouts from kids and adults alike are heard from a mile, everything was in motion. Everybody was wearing jacket and sweaters that chilly night of february. We paced from one game booth to another, our shoes crunched happily over the uncemented pebbled floors. To cap off the night, the obligatory carousel ride was implimented by the adults. At first, a feeling of dizziness and nausea prevailed, but after a while the rush of wind and the wild spin of colors consumed me. It was the best night of my childhood. I wish we had every chance to do it every year.

From then on whenever I saw a carousel with its painted horses in shopping malls or amusement parks, the memory of my childhoold coupled by its feeling of nostalgia seems to reel me in. Of course I wouldn't mind riding them, only if they permitted adults to do so. I think my only ticket of ever getting in is to have random  kids pose as my niece / nephew. Sounds like a plan.

Weapon of choice is a Canon AF35M and a roll of Lucky SHD iso 200. Images are NOT to be printed or used without my consent.